David Zito

David Zito, Senior Associate, has over 5 years of experience in energy, utility regulation, and state policy development. He possesses a deep understanding of the utility regulatory environment and customer incentives.

Mr. Zito provides support on a wide range of energy issues in relation to wholesale power markets, regional transmission organization (RTO) processes, and policy-related issues. He largely focuses his time on the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) and Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) stakeholder and policy processes.

In addition to participating in MISO and ERCOT committee/stakeholder meetings, Mr. Zito serves as a state regulatory expert for the firm. He is engrained in energy transition, resource adequacy needs, energy sufficiency, and interconnection issues. Additionally, he assists clients in understanding how wholesale market issues impact state policy and retail rates, as well as how state policies can drive change in wholesale markets.

Before joining Gabel Associates, Mr. Zito worked at the Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC) as Chief of Staff to Commissioner Craig Greene.  During this time, he served as a senior advisor to Commissioner Greene on policy matters, as well as collaborated with stakeholders and regulators at the LPSC, MISO, Southwest Power Pool (SPP), and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Mr. Zito directed policy and political strategy on behalf of the Commissioner, which required frequent engagement with the public to advocate for specific positions and policies.  Additionally, he provided analysis on a multitude of different issues including utility ratemaking, resource adequacy, demand-side resources, and utility customer programs.

Mr. Zito’s regulatory and legislative background is also bolstered by his past work as a Legislative Analyst for the Fiscal Division of the Louisiana House of Representatives.  He supported members by researching, drafting, and amending law, as well as oversaw the intake, review, organization, and processing of all judgments against the State of Louisiana.  In addition, he collaborated with House leadership and fiscal staff to create effective legislation.

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Please feel free to contact us with your energy, environmental, and public utility consulting needs.

Gabel Associates
417 Denison Street
Highland Park, NJ 08904